This is a traditional Persian style omelet. It is basically just tomatoes and eggs. It’s served for breakfast and is delicious for being so simple. You serve it with hot wheat pita or lavash bread.
- 5 cups diced fresh tomatoes
- 5 eggs beaten in a large bowl
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- 2 tablespoon olive oil
1- Crack the eggs into bowl, add salt and pepper, and blend with fork until combined but not too frothy and put it aside.
2- Cook tomatoes on medium to low heat until they are completely mashed. Once all the liquid are absorbed, add the oil add the eggs. Mixed them together until thoroughly cooked about 2-3 minutes.
Facts: You can use tomatoes on almost anything and in almost any recipe. They are a natural antioxidant that can help to prevent a number of diseases. They are loaded with vitamin C, potassium, iron and vitamin A. A medium size tomato has about as much fiber as a slice of whole wheat bread and only about 35 calories.